Changing T12C time format change

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Changing T12C time format change

Post by Automation »


our T12C panels show date and time in a different format we are used to and we'd like to change it to our default format. Can you help me change the format?
We would like to change the format from h:mm:ss M/D/YYYY (AM/PM) to H:mm:ss D/M/YYYY (24H).

Thank you in advance!

Gabriel B.
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Nov 06, 2017 11:19 am

Re: Changing T12C time format change

Post by Gabriel B. »

To update the time to a 24hour clock, you would need to change the region/group of the project that uses that specific format OR you can create to text objects and associate the "SystemTags", "hour" and "minute" and place them next to each other.

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