“File Transfer, via FTP, from iX Panel to server PC”.

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“File Transfer, via FTP, from iX Panel to server PC”.

Post by pardus7 »

“File Transfer via FTP”.

I need your advice to make the project file to perform the function explained in the below part.
I need to copy the stored Log file or the database file from iX T10E Panel to server PC , using ‘FTP’,
when a Ethernet network is connected.
When a network (Ehernet network) is connected, the HMI Paenl recognizes the network connection
and the HMI Panel transfers the stored Log file ( *.csv or *.sdf ) to the other side server PC through ‘FTP’.

A HMI Panel recognizes that communication network is connected and transfer the Log files to server PC “automatically”.
Without operation of any person, only needed for a network connection.

I would like to ask whether it is possible to realize above function.
If it is possible, I need your advice to make the project file to perform the above function.

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Russ C.
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Re: “File Transfer, via FTP, from iX Panel to server PC”.

Post by Russ C. »


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