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Import project from E-Designer

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:34 am
by bpe
When importing af project from E-Designer it imports and converts 30 of 59 pictures, and then fails with the message "Error Importing File" - Failed to import file C:\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx.mpa
When pressing the OK button, the import is terminated.
The project folder consists of files to the 30 converted pictures, but does not contain a .neoproj file, and then the project cannot be opened.

Is this a known problem?
Is there a fix?

Re: Import project from E-Designer

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:50 pm
by Ron L.
Are you using the latest iX Developer 1.31.93?

Re: Import project from E-Designer

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:19 am
by bpe
Hi Ron.

Yes i'm using the latest iX Developer version 1.31.93.

I've worked a little with the problem, since I added this issue.
The E-Designer project contained blocks with the name "System"
System is apparantly not allowed as a block name, when importing to iX Developer.
I've renamed the blocks to Setup System, which allowed the import project program to go further.
BUT, then I got the next problem :?
Import project stopped at the Alarms block, which is a system block.
The problem here, was the symbols/pictures on the buttons.
I deleted the symbols/pictures on all buttons on the Alarms block, and also on the System Monitor block, because that was the next problem ;)

Finally I was able to import the E-Designer project into iX Developer \o/

Hope this issue will help other with similar problems, and that Beijer will improve the Import Project function to prevent problems like this :-)

Re: Import project from E-Designer

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:13 am
by Ron L.
If you would like to send me a copy of the E-Designer project with the import issues, that would be helpful to forward to the developers to use for reference on updating the import functionality.