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non-volatile Tags

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:22 am
by G.Schadegg
I'm using a T4A beijer screen with a Siemens CP1200 Automate.
I have a problem with non-volatile Tags .
In ix Dev I mark two Tags as non volatile Tags but when I restart the panel they always reset to 0.

My Tags are linked on two comboBox and are in read/Write. They are not lnked on the CP1200 'cause I've heard that there is no way to get non-volatile Tags by this way.

Can anybody help me 'cause I become slowly crazy about this stuff. :evil:

Thanks for help guys.

R&D Engineer Electronic

Re: non-volatile Tags

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:21 am
by G.Schadegg
Hello and happy new year.

Problem is not solved, think it's a bug in the iX dev... I've done this in another way then I thank you for your help everybody.

Re: non-volatile Tags

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 6:47 pm
by cliffp
Sorry this is probably too late but I just found out that non-volatile is only available for internal tags, as per page 88 of MAEN831L. Not sure if your tags are internal?